Candidate of the week : Mitt Romney
Being a mormon does not mean you cannot be president of the United States. Republican Mitt Romney for example is already one of the favorites in the crucial states of Iowa and New Hampshire. Newsweek even dedicated its cover to the hopeful candidate. His convictions ? A return to moral values and puritanism.
Report : When Web and TV come together
Youtube and CNN were the first to launch political debates. Now, MTV and Myspace turn with John Edwards as a guest star. So what?
Video of the week: John McCain, an american heroe speaking from his death bed.
Les gens ont le droit de se tromper non? Mitt a fait des erreurs et il a l'intelligence de l'avouer. Ce n'est pas le cas de tous les autres candidats. Bravo Romney.
Posted by: Mitt2008 | 12 October 2007 at 10:49
A mormon president of the US?? Could not be any worse !!! If Americans vote for him, I definitely leave the country.
Posted by: OMG | 12 October 2007 at 11:29
Est ce que internet change la face de la politique? Je n'en suis pas sur. On croit que c'est plus accessible, plus ompréhensible, mais au final on est encore plus floués. Je doute que ces initiatives soient vraiment utiles. Ceux qui aiment la politique et veulent faire quelque chose n'ont pas besoin de CNN Youtube ou Myspace pour s'en occuper. Quant aux autres, c'est juste une distraciton supplémentaire. PAs un réel interêt provoqué par internet.
Posted by: sceptique | 12 October 2007 at 16:49